
Showing posts from October, 2020

Known but to God

  There are so many things that we do that are known but to God. There are some good things and some real bad things that we have done that absolutely no one knows anything about – except God. God will judge you for all those things you did wrong, each and every one, unless you put on the righteousness of Jesus. There is nothing you can do, on your own, that can save you from this judgment. The great thing is, once you open your heart to Jesus and trust Him, you can deal with all the stuff life throws at you so much better. Jesus is your absolute best friend and comforter.

Faith and Contentment

  Everlasting faith is the belief Jesus always has you in His hands. Whether it be in good times or bad, faith is knowing He is merely a thought away. There is contentment in this realization. No matter the trial or temptation, no matter the success or victory, Jesus is there to anchor us through the highs and the lows of our life. For He never changes and is our lighthouse wherever we are in our life. You may ask, “Why do we need Jesus as an anchor when things are going well? Is not that a good thing and a blessing from God?” It does seem a bit counter-intuitive to think we need God as an anchor when things are going well. The answer is to remember that we are irrational, illogical, emotional and (basically) depraved beings who tend towards evil rather than good. Like sheep, we wander away from where we are supposed to be. That is why one of the parables of Jesus is about Him going after the one sheep out of 100 who did not stay with the rest ( Luke 15:3-7 ) In the Sayings...