Intimacy and Action

The Christian’s walk with Jesus has to be one of intimacy and action. These attributes must occur together. Where there is closeness with Jesus there must also be activity for Him. Ours is an active faith. In the great invitation of Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus calls us to discard our heavy burden of effort in exchange for His requirements which are easy and light. Notice we are still expected to act – but on Jesus’s terms, not our own. What we are supposed to do is summed up in the Great Commission at the end of Matthew’s Gospel which states: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19) Unfortunately, history has many examples of those who have tried to go and do what they thought was good for God in rash and inappropriate ways. Most times, it is because these people have forgotten their first love (Jesus) and acted based on their understanding rather than God’s. A wonderful exam...