Come to Me

"Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) I have always loved the picture of Jesus casting out a demon from a repentant punk-rocker. However, it's too easy for us to think "Of course the punk-rocker had issues - but I don't need that. I'm doing OK." That's why I added the picture of a line of people. We all need Him. Without Jesus you don't know what true rest and contentment are. Without Jesus you are trying to do it on your own and you will always fail - eventually. I'm not talking about failing in the eyes of the world. You may be extremely successful as far as how others may judge you. I'm talking about peace of mind and a soft heart regardless of your situation. That is the weariness and the burdens Jesus is talking about. Only with Jesus will you find rest for your soul.