Consequences to Disobedience

Things that make you go hmmm... In 2008 I was deployed to Kuwait. While there, I walked past two guys who were sitting at a table outside the barracks where I lived. The Holy Spirit made it extremely clear that I was supposed to go over and talk with those guys - I didn't go. I've always wondered what would have happened if I had obeyed God instead of me. Today, I was reminded of how I used to climb through the window of the chapel of Norwich University at night just to sit there and ponder life. I wasn't a born again Christian in those days - that came 20 years later - but I was certainly open. Was someone supposed to come and talk with me during that time and, like I did years later, ignored the direction of the Holy Spirit? If so, what would have been different - for me and others - if I had given my life to Jesus in 1982 rather than 2002? In the end, it is what it is. God's ultimate plan will happen despite his children not obeying Him all the time. That being said,...