The Sign of Jonah and the Queen of the South

[ This is a devotional/study I put together for my department at work (Christian organization) ] Jesus talks about the sign of Jonah and the Queen of the South together in both Matthew and Luke’s gospel. He makes His point speaking to Pharisees and Scribes as well as to other people. Can’t you hear some people saying: “Oh no, not Pharisees again. We do not have any Pharisees anymore and Scribes went out with the printing press. This is another example of how the Bible is not relevant these days.” This is where we need to understand the principle Jesus is getting at and not get caught up with the particulars of the story. Too many people do not want the Bible to be relevant so it gives them the opportunity to do what they want with no consequences. As we go forward, consider that you may be the Pharisees or scribes in these verses. Let’s first look at how Matthew relates the story. Matthew 12:38-42 (ESV) 38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, say...