Do Not Fear

 A friend of mine said something I never expected to hear. He said he was very fearful of our current social situation. This is from a man who has always been rock solid. He's also a believer. But he seems to have forgotten that Jesus told us many times that trouble will happen. We are to cling to the rock and we'll be safe.

He (Jesus) also said not to fear since He has overcome this world. He said this before He went to the cross. Of course, to God, time isn't the same as it is to us.

Evil will seem to be winning and the pace of evil may seem to be increasing as we get closer to the 2nd coming of our Savior. But, as the old saying goes, "It's always darkest before the dawn".

Jesus will come. Evil will perish. What is depicted in Revelation chapters 19-22 will happen. Do not let your heart be troubled.


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