Non-Debatable Issues for Eternity

We need to keep the main thing the main thing. We need to remember that there are debatable and non-debatable issues in Christianity. What are these non-debatable issues?

- Jesus is the Son of God, the second person in the Trinity, 100% God, 100% human

- Jesus sacrificed Himself to pay the wages for all of our sins by dying on the cross

- Jesus rose on the 3rd day and ascended into Heaven shortly thereafter

- He is alive and will come again to judge the living and the dead

- Jesus created all that was made

- We are saved for eternity with God by faith in Jesus and His works, not by our works

- The Bible is the word of God

All the other issues such as whether a Christian can drink alcohol, eat non-Kosher foods, speak in tongues, whether there is a rapture before the second coming of Jesus, etc, these are all debatable. It is fine to debate them and to have strong opinions, but none of these opinions should get in the way of the non-debatable issues. 

If a person has a belief on a debatable issue that is different than yours, that does not make them a heathen or a blasphemer. It does not put them on the bus to Hell. Unfortunately, too many Christians seem to do this to their brothers and sisters. 

Billy Graham was able to reach so many over so many years because he kept the main thing the main thing throughout his ministry. He did not get caught up in debatable issues. 

We need to remember that there will be many people in the Kingdom of Heaven who did things that many of us would consider sinful because of one of these debatable issues - even after they were saved.  Why do you think Jesus reminded us that we are not to judge the soul? That's His job. 

We also cannot become self-righteous and think we have it all together. Even though we are saved does not mean we are free from sinning. We must continuously strive to seek first the Kingdom of God with all of our heart. When we do so honestly, we realize how great He is, how small we are and we become so grateful that He loves each one of us so, so much.


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