Questions in Eternity?

When those who have chosen wisely get to their eternal home, will we want to know about things from our life on earth?

Some say no. They feel the overwhelming love of God and the thrill from being in His presence will overshadow all thoughts of our previous life on earth. They could well be right.

However, I feel we will have questions - at least about some things. For example, my Mom died before I became a Christian. I truly have no idea whether she gave her heart to Jesus because I wouldn't have recognized it if she did or didn't as I wasn't aware that even existed at the time. If I try to figure it out from my faulty memory I feel like I would be so biased in favor of finding ways to justify my wish that she will be there that I can't trust myself to be objective enough.

Therefore, I have resolved to simply trust God. His judgments are righteous and true all the time. If she meets me in Heaven then I will be thrilled. But if she doesn't, I will be disappointed and will want to know why. Not because I distrust God, but to find out for myself that my Mom made the choice not to follow God.

You might wonder "Are you judging God's judgments?" Well, not in the way of any doubt. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians says "Do you not know that we will judge angels?" (1 Cor 6:3). Therefore, we will be able to see the evidence for God's judgment on individuals. We will also concur with his ruling since God is omniscient but since He is also merciful He will allow us to see why He ruled the way He did so there will never be any doubt or question.

My example will be repeated over and over since we will certainly be surprised by who is there and who is not. Thus, we will want to know why. This will bring up other questions which, I believe, will be answered with the same loving patience by our Heavenly Father.


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