Spiritual Birthday

July 22nd was my spiritual birthday. 18 years ago I gave my heart and my life to Jesus and my life changed forever. Not only will I be with Him forever in Eternity - His spirit lives within me. I am His. The peace and contentment Jesus brings is something I wish for everyone - friend and foe alike!

If you haven't had a good talk with God recently, why don't you? Now. Right now.

All you have to do is take a deep breath, let it out, and talk with God. Give Him thanks for the blessings you have received in your life (for we all have had blessings). Tell Him you know Jesus died to pay for all, ALL, the things you have done which were wrong and all the things that you should have done but did not do. Ask Him to forgive you. Tell Him you are willing to put Him first and to follow Him.

If you do this with a sincere and trusting heart, He will forgive you. Just as Jesus was resurrected after paying the debt for the sins of the world, so too will you be born anew as a Child of God. Your life will be changed for the rest of your time here on Earth and for eternity.

If you do not give your heart to your Creator, you will horribly perish; that is something God does not want any of His ultimate creation to do – but the choice is solely yours.

I pray you do choose Him for I look forward to meeting you in Heaven.


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