
When a separated husband and wife get back together; when a father and son start speaking to each other after years of silence; when old pals who fought over a long forgotten issue renew their bonds of friendship it is a beautiful thing indeed.

It is reconciliation — and it is exactly what Jesus wants with each of you.

You have ignored Him, fought Him and insulted Him by doing what is wrong and not doing what is right in your life — and there are no amount of good deeds that you can do to make up for the sins you have committed.

Yet Jesus loves you so much that He took all those bad and terrible things that you have done and paid the ultimate price for them. By dying on that cross for you He took your punishment — for the wages of sin is death; eternal death.

By whole-hearted faith in the Son of God you can partake in His sacrifice for you and in His triumph of defeating death with His resurrection. You can be reconciled to God and, ultimately, be with Jesus forever.

Without that faith you will suffer a terrible second death since your sins have already condemned you.

What is your choice? There is no third option.


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