
Showing posts from November, 2020

God Acknowledged My Prayer

  There are times during the day when the news about this corrupt election gets almost overwhelming. We are treated to taunts from leftists and bitter Republicans dancing on the grave of MAGA folks. Lists are being made of Trump supporters so we can be hunted and oppressed for our views. It can seem very dark sometimes. In these dark times it is good to remember that God is always, and has always been, in control. No matter what mankind does, we will never be able to stop God’s perfect plan. His plan has always been for everyone to have the opportunity to open their hearts to His spirit and love Him. Jesus said: “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength” (Luke 10:27). Not everyone will. Most will take the wide path that leads to destruction rather than the narrow path that leads to life. The point is, God ensures we get a choice. But what about the part of the Lord’s prayer where Jesus said to say: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be don...

Praise Jesus

  Oh, praise the name of Jesus forever. Praise His name in good times and bad, when the sun shines and when it storms. For He is the Rock we can build upon; He is the strength we need. People will always disappoint you no matter how much they love you, but Jesus is ever faithful and will never forsake you. Satan will try to tell you Jesus does not care, that Jesus has turned from you, that Jesus never loved you. Those are lies from the father of lies. Jesus came to save mankind through His sacrifice on the cross because He loves us. Why would He do that and then turn His back on those He loved so much? Jesus continues to shower His grace, mercy and love every second of every day to those who lift up their faces and soften their hearts to Him. Miracles do happen and will continue to happen, but often the biggest miracle is the comfort and serenity of a contented heart. Find your rest in the Good Shepherd. Find your peace in Jesus. Praise His name!

God and Religion: An Analysis of the Validity of God and the Issue of Evil

  How a God, if there is a God, can allow evil or, at the very least, bad things, to exist has been a sticking point for some people for centuries. In many cultures, this issue was dealt with through a pantheon of gods who were very similar to humans – just with greater powers. But with the advent of Judaism and, eventually, Christianity, people were being presented with an omnipotent and omniscient God, who created the cosmos as well as life on Earth yet, at the same time, allows evil to exist in the world. How could this be? After all, is it not a blatant inconsistency for an all good God to have any evil, anywhere, at all? If the argument is made from the Bible, then its legitimacy, along with the very validity of God, has to be established. This essay will describe some of the philosophical issues of evil vis-à-vis God as well as dealing with whether God is and if the Bible is to be relied upon. Evil can be broken down into two parts, as John Hick explains, moral evil or wicked...