Third Great Awakening
The First Great Awakening came circa 1735-1743. It was the first event to draw all 13 colonies together into a common experience. Its deep spiritual message touched everyone from the wealthiest in America to slaves and laid the foundation for our ability to withstand the trials of our War for Independence. The Second Great Awakening came circa 1800-1840. It began in the frontier of Kentucky and spread throughout the land in waves. Charles Finney would lead 500,000 to Christ. This Great Awakening laid the foundation for our ability to withstand the trials of our Civil War. I believe we are on the cusp of a Third Great Awakening. If so, and if the the pattern holds (granted - a couple of big ifs) then, in the next 20-30 years we will have another huge trial to go through. I have said for years that Trump is our King Josiah (see 2 Kings chapters 22 and 23). Trump is poised to continue the tremendous cleansing of the Deep State he started in his first 4 years. Like Trump, King Josiah clean...