Comfortably Sinning


People who live at the end of an airfield or next to a railroad track soon get very used to the noise and, eventually, don't even hear it. So too with sin for so many. These people - even professed Christians - allow themselves to get so used to their sin that the voice of the Holy Spirit becomes less and less audible until, unfortunately, it fades into oblivion.
The awareness of the silenced sin can be awakened for most if there is some crisis or significant event, but not for all. There's a reason why it says not to grieve the Holy Spirit for you never know if you've gone too far.
The key to the Prodigal Son is the son not only awakened to his sin but DID the right thing regarding it which was to humble himself and seek forgiveness. Sadly, too many people do not do the right thing regarding their sins even when they become aware of them.
I speak from experience. Twice after I was saved, was I transformed by the hand of God out of specific sins - one that was ruining my marriage and another that would have eventually. These took place 5 years into my Christian walk for one and 15 years for the other - although for each I had numerous opportunities to do what I eventually did (humble myself and allow God to change me) well before the time it happened.
Do not be stubborn like me and wait so long. It's not worth it.


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