Does Jesus Claim to be God?


I know that some people make a big deal about Jesus never saying something to the effect of "I am God" and, therefore, try to argue that Jesus was just some guy who said interesting stuff.
There are many examples in the Gospels of Jesus claiming to be God and acting like God when one has even the smallest amount of understanding of the Old Testament and Jewish culture. However, I came across a passage I haven't seen in a long time which show's the divinity of Jesus.
In John 12:32, Jesus says: "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself."
The being lifted up is when Jesus is crucified, that part is straightforward. It's the second phrase where you have to think - but just for a little bit.
If you or I were to declare that something we would do would draw all people to us - how would that come across today? We'd be considered a kook unless we were trying for hyperbole. Even so, the very idea that we would try to do something to glorify ourselves is extremely self-serving and selfish. Yet, this is what Jesus says.
In the Old Testament, God is extremely insistent that He is the only God. Just look at the First Commandment: "I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. You must not have any other God but me."
But Jesus wants to draw everyone to HIMSELF and not to God, right?
If that were true, then the Bible is contradicting itself - or is it?
Obviously, the simple answer is Jesus is God and there is no contradiction at all.
You just have to think a bit.


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