Teaching Kids Sex in Schools and the Undermining of the Nuclear Family


My response to a conversation on another thread regarding teaching sex to kids in school.
To fully answer your charge of citing a specific example of the undermining of the nuclear family is far more than just using one example. There are many strands to this tragedy, but rather than write a dissertation, I will attempt a few examples to make my point.
- We celebrate all sorts of things but show me where we celebrate the nuclear family. We have Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, which are nice, yet there is no celebrated Mom and Dad Day.
- Dad, who should be the Servant-Leader of his family, is dumbed down and his masculinity is termed toxic and abhorrent. You can see the progression of this in pop culture by the depiction of dads on TV. You go from Archie Bunker to Al Bundy to Homer Simpson (and many others) – not a noble one in the bunch. Where, today in pop culture, is the positive portrayal of a man as an active, responsible, courageous leader of his family, with his wife, through good times and bad? There are none.
- Mom, who should be the Servant-Lover of her family and co-equal with her husband, is portrayed as not needing her worthless man at all. She is smart, strong and powerful on her own. If she wants to have a man in her life then she is the one who wears the pants and the man is the doormat. In short, show me in today’s pop culture where a woman truly respects her man for being a man and works alongside of him for the betterment of their family.
I use pop culture because it is such a mirror to what is being taught, or not being taught, in schools. For specific studies showing the value of a nuclear family, they are so numerous it is amazing people, seemingly, do not take them seriously. Kids from nuclear families perform better in school, use fewer drugs, commit fewer crimes, have fewer psychological issues, get better jobs and live better lives – in general – than kids who do not come from a nuclear family.
In regards to your statement “Explain how relationships that differ from "the nuclear family" "undermine" it.” you seem not to appreciate the problem of glorifying that which is different while not also glorifying the nuclear family - that is what I mean by undermining. Our culture, today, is all about celebrating the different even if the different is less than 1% of the population. By celebrating that tiny minority and not celebrating the majority you are demeaning the majority – it doesn’t matter what that majority happens to be.
Then you bring up “race” for some strange reason. Why? It has nothing to do with this topic.
Lastly, as far as teaching kids about non-nuclear families because they will come across them at some point, is not the job of schools. Schools are not the place to teach about sex and sexual proclivities. That’s the job of parents or guardians (if there are no parents). A school does not understand a child like its parents. Therefore, a school does not know when a child, any child, is ready to understand complex sexual issues. They will always get it wrong for the vast majority of kids. The psychological damage from getting it wrong is far more dangerous than not teaching it at all.
Rather, schools should promote an environment where differences in people are not an issue – one way or another. I’m not just talking about sexual differences; I’m talking any difference that doesn’t hinder a group setting. Kids always pick on other kids if they’re different. I was insulted for years for being large. ‘Dale the whale’ was one of the kinder insults.
The problem today is the differences in sexual practices are being glorified and shoved down our throats while the nuclear family is being relegated to the dustbin of history and dissed. We MUST agree with the minority, totally accept EVERY proclivity and not question any of this at all or we are Neanderthals. Then we must make sure our kids are appropriately indoctrinated so they will never grow up to be people like me. Sorry, that just doesn’t fly.


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