A Lump and God's Favor

When you feel a firm lump on your body, you know it’s not a good thing. That’s what I found Sunday night while I was getting ready for bed when I was washing my groin area. I won’t keep you in suspense, I am going to have surgery in three weeks to remove the lump and the doctor will have it biopsied. What I really want to tell you is the awesome way God showered grace and favor on me when I went to the doctor’s office on Wednesday. Since the lump was not hurting me on Sunday night, there was no need to go to the emergency room. I told my wife on Monday morning and started making calls to urologists. My insurance (Tricare Select) allows me to go straight to a specialist without getting a referral. There was no doubt as to which type of specialist I was going to see; I did not have to waste my time with going to a general doctor. The first urology office I called said they could see me in six weeks. Since I was in charge of my care, I decided to keep trying for a better deal. The s...