Mankind Debunks Evolution


Mankind, just by itself, debunks Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and shows there is a designer, but not the God of the Bible. The need for justice and the fact we are still alive shows us the Bible is true. That will be the subject of another essay.

Debunking Darwin’s theory is a very bold statement, but one that is easy to demonstrate. The difficulty most people have is in allowing themselves to admit the truth they are being shown and to deal with it honestly. It is fear that keeps us from God’s love, not rational thought.

In its simplest form, Darwin’s theory states organisms evolved from the simple to the complex over billions of years. For the sake of this essay, we will not go into the arguments against Darwin’s theory for animals – especially single celled organisms – and skip right to human beings.

Let us compare mankind with any animal species. First, while some animals can build things for themselves, they do not build things specifically for other animals or even for other animals of the same species. Now, other animals may benefit from what one animal does build, such as those animals which live better because a beaver has dammed a stream, but that is not the same thing as building something like a tool, a car or a computer for another’s use. Yet, humans do this all the time. Indeed, they usually get compensated for their effort – another element completely unheard of in the animal world.

Secondly, there are wonderful stories about how animals help other animals, but these are all situations where the animals happen to be in proximity with each other and do something which we think is very touching. However, no animal has ever gathered others of its kind and gone out to help another over the next hill, to retrieve one that has been kidnapped or to avenge a wrong. Only humans do these kinds of things.

Darwin’s theory is all about steps, but there are no steps between animals and humans. There is a gigantic, incalculable leap. 

But what about all the sort of humans who supposedly look half ape and half human? There are many arguments against these so-called “links” between animals and humans, but they actually reinforce the idea that mankind debunks Darwin’s theory by separating animals from humans and showing that no other animals made any similar advance. It makes no sense why some apes “evolved” so far and so quickly (compared to other evolutionary timelines) and we see nothing, absolutely nothing, similar in the rest of so-called evolutionary history.

Only mankind does things for (and against) other humans or animals who are not nearby. Only mankind builds items strictly for the use of others. Only mankind uses items as a medium of exchange – and only mankind knows what a medium of exchange is. Only mankind keeps records. Only mankind ponders the future and the meaning of its own existence. Only mankind wants to leave a legacy for its progeny. No animal does these things or has ever shown any inclination to do so without prompting from humans who wish to make these animals seem more like them.

Therefore, we have two separate groups – animals and humans. They are similar but extremely distinct. This gigantic leap did not come about over billions of years. If it had, then other animals would show signs of progress in these “human” areas. They do not. All animals are doing what all animals have always done and what they will always continue to do. There is no evidence of evolving towards humanity in any animal. 

But what about apes and other primates using tools and having a highly structured social order? Apes don’t build anything like beavers, birds or spiders do and ants have an extremely ordered society. Apes and primates do not, on their own, show any more humanity than any other animal. Only when they are around people do they start to act more like humans – but so do dogs.

Since we have two separate and distinct groups that do not share many basic behavioral characteristics, how did these groups come about as they are if evolution is debunked?  In all of recorded history, only creation by a god or evolution have survived any level of debate. Since we have debunked evolution, we are left with creation by a god.

As I said above, debunking evolution does not mean we have gotten close to the Biblical understanding of God. That takes a bit more thought and centers around the idea of justice (another idea which animals have no realization of), but that will take another essay to explore.


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