
Showing posts from November, 2023

Reflections on Gratitude

When God comes through for you the sense of gratitude you feel – or should feel – is immense. Arguably the sense of gratitude should start at the moment of salvation. When you have been saved from the condemnation of this world through faith in Jesus, your thankfulness should be out of this world. If you truly understand what you have been saved from, then nothing else can come close. Sometimes we only look for the big, audacious miracles or instances in our lives where we can point to and say to others, “Look at what God does”. However, by being a little more soft-hearted and open, you will see beautiful “smaller” miracles, joy, gifts, doors that were opened or shut that are all the work of God. This is why it is so important to keep a soft heart so we can recognize the many movements of God in our lives. But we are soldiers of the God of Creation who loves us more than we do ourselves. Like any loving father would do more for his children other than providing half the necessary...

Taming the Tongue

    How many times have you said something and then immediately wanted to take back what you said? Unfortunately, there is no delete key for spoken words. Often, it happens in moments of passion and emotion where we let our words get ahead of our brain and we wish we could be anywhere else in the world.   Our tongues can be so useful and helpful. We can educate, instruct, entertain, uplift, encourage and help people with our words.   We can also insult, condemn, put down, hurt, lie, discourage and injure people with our words which come out of the same mouth as the good words.   The tongue can be a mighty weapon which can be used for good or bad and the consequences, both good and bad, sometimes far exceed the initial intent of the words.     Two other points need to be made before we go into the Bible verses. First, there are times when words need to be used as a weapon. Secondly, the hearer of the words has a responsibility to have grace and understa...

No, Candace, There is Only One Way to Hell

  In a November 6 post on X , Candace Owens stated: The doctors who are performing these irreversible surgeries and prescribing these puberty blockers to children are going to burn in hell for an eternity. As will every person who has been complicit in or directly benefited from these satanic practices. No, Candace, these horrible doctors will NOT burn in hell because of prescribing puberty blockers and the rest. The only way you burn in hell is if you are not born again of the spirit ( John 3:5-8 ) and refuse to believe in Jesus as your savior ( John 3:16 ). THE. ONLY. WAY. That means if a doctor who has mutilated children, given them puberty blockers and done other horrible things repents, humbles himself to God and believes in Jesus then that doctor WILL BE in heaven. Jesus died once for all including those who do vicious, terrible things. Anything we do can be covered by His blood as long as we repent. I know that's hard for some people to deal with - but it is the truth. It is...