To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected

One of the more shocking stories in the New Testament is about the deaths of Ananias and his wife, Sapphira as told in Acts 5:1-11 . The couple lied to the Apostles, and God, about the money they were giving. They claimed to be giving all proceeds from the sale of their property but they kept some back for themselves. For this act both of them were struck dead after being confronted with their misdeed. They did not even give any defense of their action that is recorded. Now contrast this with what happens to a man called Simon who was a person performing amazing abilities in Samaria as depicted in Acts 8:4-25 . Many Bible translations say that Simon was a sorcerer but the Greek word here seems to indicate more someone who is impressing his audience with greater knowledge and technology rather than someone dealing in the occult. Be that as it may, Simon believed in Jesus but had not received the Holy Spirit. When Peter and John arrived (v14) and started laying hands on people, Sim...